Be prepared to be self sufficient, especially if you do not know the course. We will be setting up check points that all participants must register at to be deemed to have completed the event. Drinks and food will be provided at these stops.
We will have two kit drops, one at Ghorepani and one at Birethanti. You will be advised as to how these will be organised later (on this website).
We want to provide a challenging event but most of all we want it to be safe. Familiarisation with the course is the best way to ensure your safety. Failing that, it is important to pay special attention to the
minimum kit list. With kit drops it is possible to make provision to pick up certain items such as head torches, at the appropriate time. That also relies on people staying on schedule and that must be a consideration.
Although the lower part of the course is accessable by road, the more challenging part of the course from Birethanti to Ghorepani is not. This part of the race is inhabited and the local residents will be aware of the event.
Should anyone have a problem in this section they will need to make sure they have appropriate clothing and provisions to survive until we can reach them. It is difficult to get lost in this section of the race.
We do not want to be disqualifying people because they haven't got a minimum kit with them. So we won't be. The minimum kit list is advisory, strongly advisory! Everyone is (strongly) advised to carry or have available, the following kit:
This event has developed and blossomed due to the hard work of many people.
Events such as these rely on many volunteers and staff who all in their own way make it a success.
Some of the most important players sometimes do not get the credit they deserve.
Race Director
Jan is an Artist who first came to Nepal to paint in 1980. Jan was responsible created the Everest Marathon with Tony Hunt in 1985, Nepal's first internation race. He then went on to create the Annapurna Triathlon, Nepal's first international triathlon, where he teamed up with Ramesh Bhattachan. He helped set up the Kathmandu Marathon with Ajay and Sam Simha before turning his mind to the Annapurna 100, where he persuaded Ian Botham to come and pioneer the event. After that became a success, thanks to the efforts of Ramesh and Richard Bull, he created the Everest Ultra with Ramesh.
When Jan started the Everest Marathon there were no ultra races in Nepal, now ultra running is an industry in its own right.
All Jan's efforts have been towards developin Nepalese tourism and Nepali runners.
Executive Director of Logistics
Ramesh helped pioneer this event with Ian Botham and it is fair to say that the event would not have happened without him.
Ramesh was instrumental in the success of the Annapurna Triathlon, Nepal's first triathlon, the Everest Ultra, and many other sporting events not related to running.
He served as a Gurkha in the Brigade of Gurkhas of the British Army from 1974 to 1992 retiring with an Exemplary Service Record.
There is no entry fee for the first year of this new course as this is a pioneering event.
We are looking for experienced runners to pioneer this new course. We will provide checkpoints that will also serve as drink stations. These pioneers are expected to be pretty much self sufficient. There are no prizes but the pioneers will always feature on the race website in perpetuity.
These Pioneers must provide their own insurance and trekking permits.
Got any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.
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We do this through Travel Nepali
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